Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Circumstances – We live in circumstances that are either a result of things out of our control, such as being born into poverty or to substantial wealth, to a parent with addiction issues, or a child of divorce.  Our circumstances can also be a result from decisions and actions we make.  Either way, we live in a set of circumstances.

Options – God provides a plethora of options from which we can choose to impact our current circumstances – to improve or further deteriorate.  Whether it be physical, psychological, emotional or spiritual issues, there are options that will help change/impact our current circumstances.

Choices – We make choices based on our dynamic life filters … filters that are created through our key influencers and unique experiences, including and most importantly our upbringing (parents, siblings, relatives, community interaction, education, religious affiliations, etc.) -- these can also be referred to as “developmental assets.” The snowflake design of our filters are further enriched through our adult interactions with relationships, children, career path, travel opportunities, faith journey, etc.

Attitude – Our daily and overall life experience will be defined by the attitude we bring to the choices we make among the options we feel we have before us within the set of circumstances we exist.

I distinctly remember a situation where I had purchased a massage gift certificate for a friend.  I made the appointment for her and even confirmed it.  When we arrived, the receptionist said they had no record of the appointment – and she was not exactly kind or apologetic.  My initial reaction was to cop my own attitude.  But I caught myself – asked the Holy Spirit to enter into my snotty being – and simply said, “Oh, I am so sorry, I must have called a different location. No worries; my error. What are the options you have for us and we’ll figure something out.”  It completely disarmed her.  She immediately changed her tune and not only accommodated us that same day, she offered us an additional service, free of charge.

In business, I recall a client who reneged on our contract and neglected to pay the bonus I was due – a substantial bonus, by the way.  Instead of going through the time and expense battling with them, I simply walked away thanking them for their business over the years.  A few months later, I received a call from the CEO.  He said, "Susan, I know you are a faith-filled woman. I have a rather difficult family situation (he explained what it was). I was wondering if you would consider praying for me." Without hesitance, I gladly agreed to do so ... and with great honor. Although I did not receive the funding I clearly deserved, I received a priceless gift:  the privilege of interceding on behalf of someone who is now a friend.  Revenge produces nothing positive ... nothing redeeming ... nothing lasting that is good.  I've learned to "let go and to let God" ... His ways of setting the record straight are much more interesting. 

Please understand, I am no poster child for this behavior.  I work at this not just daily, but hourly … especially with my husband and step-children … and am ashamed to say I fail miserably, though it is something I earnestly strive at and pray for ‘without ceasing.’

How do you want to live within your set of circumstances?  Will you seek all the many options God so abundantly offers?  How will you fully assess and make Spirit-influenced choices?  Are you willing to adjust your attitude to improve your life experience … and that of others?

Once you embrace a COCA-style outlook, I predict your daily life experience will dramatically improve.  Try it and let me know what you find.

The more you know, the better seeds you’ll sow and the more beautiful your life garden will grow.
Susan Sorensen Langer is founder of Mosaic Mindshare ( with a 25-year career in marketing, management and major donor fundraising.

Mosaic Mindshare. Observers. Planners. Connectors.

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